Don’t Drop Kept Animals Bill Commitments 

Unsplash / Ayla Verschueren

It was perhaps fitting that one of Boris Johnson’s final acts as a Member of Parliament was to visit the fabulous RSPCA team at the Hillingdon Animal Clinic in his Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency – just days before penning his dramatic resignation statement.

When Johnson became Prime Minister, his speech on the Downing Street steps pledged to “promote the welfare of animals” as a cause “so close to the hearts of the British people”. And there were some good results for animals during his tenure – an Agriculture Act helping farmers drive up environmental and animal welfare standards whilst producing high quality food, and an Environment Act setting binding biodiversity targets.

His Government also raised sentences for the most egregious acts of animal cruelty, backed the recognition of animal sentience in UK law, and supported measures like banning horrific glue traps. The jewel in the crown for animals, however, was the Kept Animals Bill, introduced in May 2021….Story continues...

By: Emma Slawinski

Source: Don’t drop Kept Animals Bill commitments | Comment Central


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