7 Parenting Styles: Differences, Impact and How To Find Yours


Some might treat finding a parenting style like joining a club, that’s not really the case. You don’t have to choose just one and adhere to all its principles, forsaking all others. There’s no one “right” parenting style that works for all families, and it’s likely that no family follows one parenting style 100% of the time.

It’s mostly about finding what works for how your family operates, what you choose to prioritize and what your values are. That said, there have been studies over the years on different parenting styles, and how they affect kids in the long term. Many of these were first studied and described in 1971 by psychologist Diana Baumrind, who observed preschoolers and found there were three types of parents: authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. (A fourth style, neglectful parenting, was added to address severely uninvolved parents.)

Since then, though, others have come along and carved out their own parenting styles that have developed big followings. These include attachment parenting, which starts from birth; gentle parenting, which responds to tantrums with empathy and free-range parenting, for older kids looking for more independence. Then there are parenting styles that are coined by media, rather than adherents, and are to be avoided, like helicopter parenting and lawnmower parenting….Story continues….


Source: 7 Parenting Styles: Differences, Impact and How to Find Yours


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