Massfluence Auto Builds All-in-One Sites with Self-Growing ‘Gamified’ Communities

Credit to: arminhamidian

Publish content, memes, images, tag friends, share content and more in push-button viral communities. Watch your community go viral with built-in gamification and bring you free traffic for your products, Host your entire video course and training materials on our dedicated servers. Provide access to your community for free or add a paywall, Schedule launches and announcements to your community.

Plan events like webinars, free training and more inside a community calendar everyone can see, Integrate payment processors and sell digital or physical products right on your Massfluence site to your community, Let your tribe chat back and forth in private DMs and do video calls live in Massfluence sites. Turn on ‘gamification’ tools inside of Massfluence to encourage members to share content, comment, and purchase products.

Community members can earn points and see themselves on leaderboards. Plus, choose to let each member refer others to the community for extra points that can go toward coupons, leaderboards, or free products and bonuses. As your community members engage with each other; you’ll naturally gain more members and leads. Members will also begin buying your products integrated into Massfluence with no hard selling needed due to the social proof from the community.

Get Small Business Leads Whos Funnels Aren’t Converting Well (There are Millions of These),Set Up Massfluence Sites that Auto-Generate Leads and Sales with Community Gamification , They Gladly Pay You Month After Month as Their Community Members and Sales Keep Increasing. We’ll help get you clients that will pay monthly fees for Massfluence gamfied sites. Get small business clients desperate for more leads and sales and tired of struggling with expensive outdated sales and funnel tools.

You’ll see exactly where to find clients that desperately want these viral sales hubs and communities set up for them and are willing to pay monthly fees…

See more details here

Labels: autopilotchannelcommunitiesdfydigitalfullgamificationgenerationleadsmarketingmassfluencemembersroofsitetemplatesviral

Location: Q2V9+MV Ogden, BC, Canada

Source: Marketing Scoops: Massfluence Auto Builds All-in-One Sites with Self-Growing ‘Gamified’ Communities

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