Works of Poetry, Fiction and Nonfiction Receive $10,000 “Science + Literature” Awards 

A poetry collection, a coming-of-age novel and a history of deep sea exploration are unlikely to be found in the same section of your favorite bookstore. But they all have enough in common to be this year’s winners of Science + Literature awards, $10,000 prizes administered by the National Book Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

The two foundations announced Wednesday that poet Arthur Sze’s “The Glass Constellation,” Novuyo Rosa Tshuma’s novel “Digging Stars” and Brad Fox’s nonfiction “The Bathysphere Book: Effects of the Luminous Ocean Depths” have been cited as works that “deepen readers’ understanding of science and technology” and “highlight the diversity of voices” in modern science and technology writing.

While ““The Bathysphere Book” is the only winner you could officially classify as science, all three works draw upon science and the natural world. In “Digging Stars,” the protagonist is an astronomer from Zimbabwe who emulates her father’s profession….Story continues

By: Hillel Italie

Source: Works of poetry, fiction and nonfiction receive $10,000 “Science + Literature” awards | The Independent


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