Not all businesses are bootstrapped. A lot also reach out to potential investors for financial help. But it’s not always easy to get the support you need from all the investors you reach out to. When you meet an investor you need to pitch your idea. In doing so, you tell them what you’re doing, how you’re solving a problem, why you’re better than your competitors, etc. But there are times when investors don’t like your pitch.

And they dismiss you altogether. They might also give you some negative feedback, which can be really hard to digest. Sure, you love your idea and think your pitch is the best. However, not everyone might think like you do. So what do you do when you hear such feedback?

React to it and vent out your frustration on the investors?  Listening to negative feedback and taking criticisms positively is not easy. But a negative reaction to it can be worse than that. It can affect your reputation and put you in a bad light. Here’s how to deal with negative feedback from investors when you’re pitching to them….Continue reading