What Is Digital Real Estate? Five Things You Need To Know

When you search in “What is digital real estate” into google, you’re likely going to find guides to obtaining older versions of digital real estate such as domain names, websites, and URLs’. And this wouldn’t be wrong, as these are still types of digital property that can be bought and sold for a profit.

But, in this article, we’re going to chat more about Web3 digital real estate like the Metaverse and protocols like Parcl. This article is mainly for beginners in this space, but feel free to check out our “What is Parcl” article if you want to learn more about our protocol. So, let’s dive into five things you need to know about digital real estate.

Let’s start with the basics; what actually is digital real estate? Digital real estate can include the ownership of a URL, website, domain name, social media account, and now virtual property in the Metaverse….Story continues

By: Parcl Team

Source: Marketing Scoops: What Is Digital Real Estate? Five Things You Need To Know


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