People Who Had Unhappy Childhoods Usually Develop These Traits


How you grow up says a lot about the type of adult you become, and while none of us is beholden to the negative effects of whatever we experienced as kids, it would be silly to think that you could have habits that are hard to break. In fact, those who had unhappy childhoods tend to develop at least one of the following traits, for better or worse.

They Tend To Be Perfectionists: They’re the ones double and triple-checking their work, stressing over the tiniest details. This stems from a deep-rooted desire to control their environment, something they couldn’t do as kids. They’re often hard on themselves, striving for flawlessness in everything they do. It’s like they’re trying to compensate for the chaos of their past by making sure their present is as perfect as possible.

They’re Overly Independent: They learned early on that they had to fend for themselves, so they’re not big on asking for help. This can make them appear strong and self-sufficient, but it’s often a defense mechanism. They might struggle to accept support or kindness because, in their past, it was every man for themselves….Story continues….

By: Sinead Cafferty

Source: People Who Had Unhappy Childhoods Usually Develop These Traits

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