Discover The Most Trending Contents Using Keywords Through ContentGenie

Credit to: arminhamidian

The advent of social media has changed the way people consume content. While they used to perform pointed searches, they now scroll through their Facebook feeds passively. This has created a whole new set of challenges for business owners, marketers, agencies, freelancers, social media marketers & start-ups. Before, marketers focused their efforts on SEO and the benefits it brought them. BUT Today, content is focused on attracting & engaging people instead of focusing on SEO.

It’s crucial to focus on the individuals who will engage and use content because consumers now make decisions before interacting with a company. And the rest of the time is divided among LinkedIn, YouTube, WhatsApp, Snapchat & browsing Websites, So, it’s clear that if you want to Run & Grow your business you need to capture these social media platforms Unlike other Content Creation apps that use scale & outdated content spinners, we’ve trained this Artificial Assistant to Generate 100 original Web and Social Media Content, using just a keyword.

It was built using the same AI Technology implemented by Siri – Apple’s AI Assistant. Discover the most trending YouTube Videos using keywords or entering the Video URL. Transcribe any of the Video, and Repurpose the Transcribe for your a Social Media or a Blog post…

See more details here

Source: Marketing Scoops: Discover The Most Trending Contents Using Keywords Through ContentGenie

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