How To Fix a Dry Cake

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Cake is always right. It can be a casual comfort food or a symbol of celebration. It’s loved for its characteristic bouncy texture that offers moisture without coming off too sweet. Tragically, this subtle moisture can be hard to achieve and even harder to hold onto. We have tips on keeping your cake moist, but what if your cake is already dry? Don’t lose hope.

There are a couple reasons your cake might have gotten a tad desiccated. Maybe you left it out on the counter uncovered during a party, or in the fridge unwrapped overnight. Then there’s always the odd case of a cake being “born” that way (the recipe simply came out a little dry). This type of dryness is unpleasant, though slight, but it’s usually fixable with a piece of bread.

Cake is always right. It can be a casual comfort food or a symbol of celebration. It’s loved for its characteristic bouncy texture that offers moisture without coming off too sweet. Tragically, this subtle moisture can be hard to achieve and even harder to hold onto. We have tips on keeping your cake moist, but what if your cake is already dry? Don’t lose hope.

By: Allie Chanthorn Reinmann

Source: How to Fix a Dry Cake | Lifehacker


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