How VISA Is Using Generative AI To Battle Account Fraud Attacks 


Attackers rely on automation to brute force card testing attacks including weaponizing botnets and scripts to force fraudulent card-not-present (CNP) transactions, inflicting  $1.1 billion of fraud losses last year.

Enumeration attacks are lethal in their speed and scale, with attackers relying on any available automation technology to defraud victims faster than legacy cyber defenses can track and keep up with. Attackers’ arsenals now include large-scale networks of hacked systems that can launch thousands of automated botnet attacks in seconds.

Attackers are always sharpening their tradecraft with new automation techniques that defy easy detection. Weaponizing every new technology available, including fast-tracking experiments with generative AI and weaponized LLMs in combination with long-standing automation technologies, including botnets and scripts, are attackers’ goals…..Story continues….


Source: How VISA is using generative AI to battle account fraud attacks | VentureBeat


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