Tag: aging

  • Common Drugs May Pave Way To Extending Human Lifespan

      OZGU ARSLAN/GETTY A commonly used drug may be the secret to a longer, healthier life, new research suggests. Aging is a complex process, which many of us consider to be an inevitable consequence of life on Earth. But thanks to modern technology, many scientists now consider aging to be a disease that we can…

  • Why You Shrink As You Get Older

    HuffPost It seems that everything shifts as you age. You may notice you get wrinkles, your hair turns gray and even your height changes — in other words, you shrink. “Aging is not a random thing that happens, it’s very predictable, it happens to us all. And rather than just luck and some bad things that might happen…

  • Muscle Discovery Has Huge Potential For Healthier Aging

    FABIO CAMANDONA/GETTY It’s no secret that our muscles begin to weaken as we age. But scientists are only just beginning to understand the mechanisms underlying these changes, and what our muscles can do to combat them. Our muscle mass decreases by approximately 3 to 8 percent per decade after the age of 30, increasing our risk of…

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