
There are a lot of fear mongering articles out there designed to scare you into thinking the hiring system is rigged. While it is by no means perfect, the system is there to help both sides of the coin find success in new roles. One of the most common myths I see as a former recruiter is this: “the applicant tracking system (ATS) is out to get you” or some other variation of that line.

Because of this stereotype, many candidates believe that the ATS is a “black hole” that can suck your resume into the void, and send your dreams of being hired down the drain. But I’ll tell you now, that is simply not true! In this article, I will break down this myth along with 3 others that do not serve you in your job search.

“The ATS Is Out To Get You”

As mentioned before, this is false. The ATS is actually there to help you and the recruiter because it helps them organize all the applications and categorize data into specific buckets. This tool is meant to spotlight the resumes that are tailored for the role!…..Continue reading….