How To Create a Winning Startup Culture



Some time back, in my infographic on 51 Business Mistakes that most Entrepreneurs Make, I had outlined that one of the biggest mistakes is that you do not give any thought as to what you consider would be a great startup culture. And, without good policies or HR to keep things in check, the startup begins to develop a toxic business culture.

You will find this problem in businesses in Japan a lot. The Japanese culture is that people should work harder and if any employee goes home early, or finishes his work faster than the other, they usually get snitched on to their bosses by their co-workers. Since, you are growing a startup, you may want to avoid all these hullabaloo as time is limited and money is precious.

Your workforce is your primary foundation and you want to build it strong as everything else you do is going to be supported by your employees. Therefore, here is what you do to streamline the company’s functions and develop a strong and great company culture….Story continues


Source: How to Create a Winning Startup Culture – Addicted 2 Success



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