Algorithms: How Big Data is Already Influencing Our Culture

 Vicky Leta

Recommendation algorithms are everywhere. They constantly suggest us new music, TV shows, dinner, and even potential romantic partners — and for the most part they can be pretty good at predicting what we like. How?Broadly, algorithms are a specific set of instructions that when followed should always result in a desired outcome, whether that’s solving a problem or performing a task.

Although they’ve been around for thousands of years, computers and the internet have made it easier for complex algorithms to be performed almost instantly. Algorithms used specifically to make recommendations work by using data from past behavior to predict future behavior.

To get a better sense of how that works, we have to go back to 2006, when over 30,000 people around the world came together to improve one specific algorithm. More on that below…Story continues

By: Bruce Gil

Source: Algorithms: How big data is already influencing our culture


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