New Urine Test For Prostate Cancer May Help Reduce Unnecessary Biopsies

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Researchers have identified 17 unique genetic markers that are overexpressed by high-grade prostate cancers, which can be screened for accurately using a urine test. Experts say the test can help doctors identify serious cancers while also reducing unnecessary biopsies.

Prostate cancers are graded according to a Gleason score. Trusted Source The higher the grade the more likely the cancer will spread quickly and grow. This new test could potentially help with diagnosing and treating cancer earlier and with fewer invasive measures.

The health benefits of screening for prostate cancer with a standard prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test have historically come with the tradeoff: the potential for unnecessary, invasive procedures, such as prostate biopsies.

By: Gigen Mammoser

Source: Prostate Cancer: New Urine Test May Help Reduce Unnecessary Biopsies


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