How To Streamline Your Digital Ecosystem


I vividly remember when Microsoft rolled out Windows 95. Designed to actually look like a desktop, with icons for the Recycle Bin, Briefcase, Inbox and other functions, it felt revolutionary, a boon for productivity as well as operations and logistics, and above all, user-friendly.

And that innovation was market-proven: Microsoft product designer at the time, Juliette Weiss, noted in a 2017 article for Medium, “It was the most heavily user-tested product in [the company’s] history.” In those days, it made sense to treat a computer workspace more or less like your home or office desktop — to regularly clean and organize it just as you would its physical facsimile.
But today, with cloud computing and an endless number of automated tools and apps, the digital/physical workspace analogy doesn’t quite hold up. Organizing your 21st-century ecosystem isn’t just a matter of implementing a smart filing system, but about choosing the right tools and building intuitive systems, then continually refining and updating them….Story continues

Source: Marketing Scoops: How To Streamline Your Digital Ecosystem


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